EDUC 230 Teaching with Multimedia Technology Week 4 Day 2 Self-Reflection 3  

Blasdhimir Paulino 


In my third week in Education 230, I discovered that video editing is not that complicated to learn. Video editing is an art form. The different intricacies that go into making a teaching video was exciting, putting it all together. Cutting scenes and adding scenes was my favorite part of creating my first video. Putting the final touches on a little 2-minute video felt awesome.  

I learned that technology provides students with learning and physical disabilities an equal playing field by providing technological devices such as speaking calculators for the blind, or recording computers, that writes for you as you speak. I am amazed on how students who in a traditional setting would have had to start from behind because of their disability, can now keep up with technological help and built a growth mindset to keep on improving and becoming better students. 

3D models are a very challenging form of printing that I learned to create through TinkerCAD. 3D image production to the exact specifications is done in a computer and printed out to a specific model of the image created. 3D printing is going to be the way of the future, through mass production of materials being done through technological architectural type work.  


My found ideas of video editing have allowed me to break down videos into critical points. I will be able to understand educational videos shown to my class and understand how and why a certain video was shown in a particular manner. I have built the critical eye on understanding how certain aspects of technological work should be done correctly to express information to students.  

My ideas of technological support to help students with learning and or physical disability have led me to understand more in depth that students that learn through different technological aid can keep up in class. The students might need extra tutoring help, but for the most part will be able to independently analyze and construct their answers, information that is being given to them. Students with learning disabilities can now be equally accessed as their peers. I will be able to challenge them more as their teacher. 

3D models are a very creative way to explain and have interactions with my students about a content. I can print out a model and show a visual illustration that will help the class understand what I am trying to explain to them. Students can form constructive questions through illustrations provided by the 3D modeling technology. Analyzing models will engage student interest in the subject being thought. Overall, 3D models will aid me in teaching the lesson goal efficiently. 


My plan will be to think outside the box in curriculum building.  In Curriculum building, I will make changes throughout my career, depending on how and why technological advancements will help my students achieve better physical literacy in my physical education classes. For-example, 3D modeling will be a technological advancement that I will use to illustrate certain physical activity games that demonstrate the lesson goal and aid in understanding the reason of the motor skill being performed for a specific skill or game. 

My availability as a teacher, mentor, and a resource outlet for student improvement will have to be made available. What I mean? What I mean, is that as a teacher I want to be able to help my students with one on one sessions during school and after school to help them reach their maximum potential. I want to aid technology in fixing educational equality in my urban city. For-example, I want to be the reason a student’s parents know about technological advancements that can sky-rocket their students potential. Time is going to be the biggest equalizer in a student understanding the lesson goal and achieving the next step in mastery of the lesson. As a teacher, I want to make sure my students are getting enough time with me, before, during or after school for them to reach their full potential. I want to be that teacher that sets standards for other teachers to follow. I want to be the example for my peers, and hopefully have them follow suit, in making their career purpose, in having their students reach their full potential in any academic subject. 


During the third week of class in Education 230, my peers learned how to be involved in video editing. They have learned to make their own videos and critique their own work down to a two-minute lesson video. The class started showing up earlier to class to work on their Samples, Videos, and 3D projects. The class is showing determination and grit about learning and achieving mastery in their tasks. My peers were helping each other out, through difficult technical routes of 3D imaging. Teamwork got us through some confusing bumps we eventually came out of together. Our E-portfolios we be ready to go and done in good act of hard work and growth mindset as a class.  
